DSAIA Board Vacancy

Have you always wanted to serve on the DSAIA Board?  The Board of Directors is looking to fill a vacancy and would love to hear from all DSAIA members who would be interested in serving the remainder of this term (through 2025). We are looking for an individual who has strong skills in development, marketing, and/or social media. If you are interested or would like to know more, click the button below to contact Christina Reaves, DSAIA President.

Want to know a little more about what it takes to join our Board?

Board members lead our organization.They identify new initiatives, direct the use of our resources, and ensure that DSAIA meets the needs of our members. This is a unique national leadership opportunity. Membership on the Board is not limited to Executive Directors--we welcome Program Coordinators, Board members, and others from our member organizations. In addition to role, DSAIA is looking for members who represent different geographic areas, organization size, and can support our commitment to  diversity. No prior experience serving on a Board is required, but a passion for DSAIA's mission definitely is! As a Board member, you will be expected to commit 3-5 hours a month, which includes a our board meeting (electronically) on the 3rd Monday of every month at 3pm ET.  Board members are expected to register, attend, and participate in the Annual Leadership Conference. In-person Board meetings are typically held on the Wednesday before the conference begins.